60th Neighborhood Tour

Event: "Neighborhood Tour" AND "Lunch at Barringers"

Coordinated by: Bill Byrd (317-502-3758) and Vicki Byrd (317-503-5899) email: BillVickiByrd@att.net

What and Why: We will take a driving tour through many of our old neighborhoods. We'll see some of the old homes we knew and many of the newly renovated or colorful three story newly built homes. Be sure to indicate the address of places you would like to drive by on the registration form. 

When: Saturday July 13th, 2024 from 10am to Noon. The tour group will have lunch at Barringers at 1pm. Feel free to join the group there. (Map below)

How Much: The Neighborhood Tour will be free. Lunch will be on you.

Where: The Tour group will meet in the ***Manual Parking lot***. 2405 Madison Avenue at 10am.

Map to Manual Parking and Barringers Tavern - 2535 South Meridian St.